Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Art Every Day, January 13

Day 13 of the challenge. 

Somehow, I omitted Connie K. in the last post.  So here are two days of her work.  You can see all of her posts -- in the right order --  on her blog:        In this first photo, she is learning to do the Austrian Block Stitch.

In this next piece, she is learning to knit in the Continental style:

Susan (   has created another of her wonderful ATCs.  She says  "ATCs are just perfect for trying out ideas.  On this needle felted ATC, I machine embroidered a silk carrier rod, attached a vintage brass buckle, some seed beads and a few very out of control french knots." 

I worked on an experiment in which I colored Golden Pouring Medium with India Ink and used it as a resist, creating a very abstract blob of lines.  I painted the many sections with Twinks and then began to doodle atop the painted areas.  I was delighted that the colored pouring medium much an improvement over using plain pouring medium and then attempting to color the lines.  I admit, it is a bit funky looking, but for an experiment, it was fun.

And, of course, my Journal52 page for the day:

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