Wednesday, July 31, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 31

 Day 31 of the challenge. The last entry is fittingly a return to a winter scene. Background is a gel print, with added stamping and shading. This challenge has been great fun and I'd like to thank Griffiths for hosting this challenge. Doing so much gel printing has truly been a challenge for me, and I am learning so much from it. Tomorrow, I'll post a little video on my channel to recap all 31 of my challenge cards. #GelyPostcardPlay

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

New YouTube Video, Dominoes

 I've added a new video to my YouTube channel.  This one is called Dominoes and features my hand-painted common, run of the mill dominoes.  

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 30

 Day 30 of the challenge. I can't believe the challenge will be finished tomorrow. #GelyPostcardPlay

Monday, July 29, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 29

 Day 29 of the challenge. Gel print background, cluster on top. #GelyPostcardPlay

Sunday, July 28, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 28

 Day 28 of the challenge. Another mixed media offering, again atop a gel print background. The fish is a piece of fabric, fussy cut and surrounded by yarns. A few snail charms finish off the piece. #GelyPostcardPlay

Saturday, July 27, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 27

 Day 27 of the challenge. Gel print background. Early morning fog with pen and ink sketching, enhanced with a bit of color on the birds. #GelyPostcardPlay

Friday, July 26, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 26

 Day 26 of the challenge. Number sits atop gel print. #GelyPostcardPlay

Thursday, July 25, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 25

 Day 25 of the challenge. Not quite sure who the explorer is -- the noble sits atop his fine horse and his assistant has to walk every mile (and do all the chores, too!) so maybe we should consider the assistant as the real explorer. #GelyPostcardPlay

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 24

 Day 24 of the challenge.  Gel Print background.  #GelyPostcardPlay  

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 23

 Day 23 of the challenge. Gel print background with stamping, pen and ink drawing, stickers and a wonderful frog. #GelyPostcardPlay

Monday, July 22, 2024

And, Even More Paper Clips

 I saw a You Tube Video of someone making clips similar to these.  She used 3x5 index cards, but I chose to use scrap papers.  The top one is my prototype, the rest followed.  Size varies, depending on the scraps, but is generally around 3 inches wide and 2 inches top to bottom, not including the tassel.  

More Hidden Paper Clips

 I prefer to remain busy, so...more hidden Paper clips. These are actually magnetic, no no clip inside, just tiny magnets. The 2nd row down, left item is the back of a clip, for illustration. Size is 1 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches.

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 22

 Day 22 of the challenge.  Here, I'm using a few "leftovers" from my just finished Steampunk journal.  I'll be posting a video of the journal on my YouTube channel soon (but first, the edits and uploading need completion)    #GelyPostcardPlay

Sunday, July 21, 2024

New Video: Rotary Cards, Part 1

 I've posted a new video to my YouTube channel.  It showcases the first group of my on-going creation of rolodex-style rotary cards.  I make these cards from scraps of paper and other bits and bobs.  Enjoy.

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 21

 Day 21 of the challenge. Gel print background, stamping, stenciling, collage. #GelyPostcardPlay

Saturday, July 20, 2024

New Life for Unwanted Paper: Masterboards

 As usual, the battle of scraps continues. This is a 12 x 12 inch masterboard I made today. And the scraps are still piled high. This will be cut into smaller pieces such as tags and journal cards. The base is a 12x12 piece of paper that I got in a paper pad, and it was not something I would otherwise use. I then covered it with book page and layered embellishments atop that. Rotating the page insures that there will be no "right side up issues" when it is cut.

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 20

 Day 20 of the challenge. This one has a background of fragile old music paper, covered with vellum I printed, and a pair of butterflies drifting across it. The gel print element is backing the number. #GelyPostcardPlay

Friday, July 19, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 19

 Day 19 of the challenge. Gel print with a foiled water lily motif and a few stems. #GelyPostcardPlay

Thursday, July 18, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 18

 Day 18 of the challenge. Gel print background, with a printed vellum overlay, lace and a digital picture. #gelypostcardplay

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 17

Day 17 of the challenge.  I seem to really like forests.  #GelyPostcardPlay


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 16

 Day 16 of the challenge. This one really qualifies as mixed media: gel print, pin and ink (water bugs), collage, fiber, and a charm. #GelyPostcardPlay

Monday, July 15, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 15

 Day 15 of the challenge. The background was just screaming for cave paintings. #GelyPostcardPlay

Sunday, July 14, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 14

Day 14 of the challenge.  #GelyPostcardPlay  

Saturday, July 13, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 13

 Day 13 of the challenge. The background is a gel print that I used some scrunched paper to remove parts of the blue acrylic paint before pulling the print. I like that it looks somewhat organic. #GelyPostcardPlay

Friday, July 12, 2024

Steampunk Altered Playing Cards

 Between working on the daily challenge postcards, I'm working on a Steampunk journal. I've made these altered playing cards to serve as journaling cards to insert in the journal's signatures. The backs are plain coffee-dyed paper.

 Day 12 of the challenge.  The sentiment seems to suit the grumpy-looking owl.  #GelyPostcardPlay

Thursday, July 11, 2024


 Day 11 of the challenge. The gel print is hiding under the hook and eye ad at top left. Background music paper is covered with a printed sheet (digital, but I can't remember from whom -- it may have been from Shabbydabbydoday on ETST) of vellum. #GelyPostcard Play

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 Day 10 of the challenge. #GelyPostcardPlay

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 9

 Day 9 of the challenge. The only gel print element is the scraps used as backing for the number. #GelyPostcardPlay

Monday, July 8, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 8

 Day 8 of the challenge. All gel print except the number. #GelyPostcardPlay

Sunday, July 7, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 7

 Day 7 of the challenge. Background is done with alcohol inks on vellum. All the irregular black lines are actually gold foil (it scanned as black). Number is perched on a bit of gel print. #GelyPostcardPlay

Saturday, July 6, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 6

 Here's my postcard for day 6 of the challenge.  #GelyPosatcardPlay

Friday, July 5, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 5

 Here is my Day 5 for the challenge.  I went with something easy after yesterday's fest.  #GelyPostcardPlay

Thursday, July 4, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 4

 Here's my Day 4 postcard for the challenge. A young girl celebrated the Fourth of July.  #GelyPostcardPlay  

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 3

 Here's my Day 3 postcard for the challenge. A small child sits outside a formidable home. Gel Print, collage, shading. #GelyPostcardPlay

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, Day 2

 Here's my Day 2 postcard for the #GelyPostcardPlay challenge.  

Monday, July 1, 2024

GelyPostcardPlay, Day 1

 I've jumped right into the fray and have decided to enter the challenge hosted by Ceri Griffiths (Ceri the Crafter) on You Tube.  The challenge, #GelyPostcardPlay ,  is to create a postcard each day during the month of July 2024.   Each postcard must be 4x6 inches in size and contain elements from Gel Printing and be numbered to match the day of the month.  I've finished the first one and here is my July 1, 2024 card:  

 I've uploaded Parts 2, 3 and 5 of the 3x5 Index Cart Art series.  

Part 2:   

And, Part 3: 

And, Part 4: