Thursday, February 27, 2014

Becoming a Vegetarian, Again

Lately, I find myself drifting pretty strongly back to vegetarian meals.  There are just so many wonderful recipes nowadays, and it is easier to find unusual ingredients now, too.  Easy to find things like Kamut, Farro, Millet, many colors of rice, wonderful vegetables in colorful could I not want to try them all?

Yesterday was National Pistachio Day.  Yes, really.  To celebrate the day, we had a fabulous Sicilian-inspired Blood Orange Salad with our dinner.  I found the salad at this link, and the only change I made was to serve it on a bed of Boston lettuce.  Fantastic!  Here is the picture from that blog:

Thanks to the blogger who first posted this recipe, it is wonderful!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Catching Up - February flew by

February is always the shortest month, but this year it really flew by in many ways.  Having been incapacitated with some broken bones, I slept a lot and read a lot, and watched our endless snow fall, and fall, and fall, and fall. 

I've finally uploaded all of my February Journal52 pages. Yes, I forged ahead and did all of them, and finished 4 days early.

Feb 1, Iris

Feb 2, Checkered Flag

Feb 8, Explore

Feb 20, Breakthrough

These are a few of the pages; you can see all of them on my Flickr page -- they are in the set called Art Journal52

Saturday, February 1, 2014