Monday, January 18, 2010

Just a Rant

I really hate political campaign phone calls. Tomorrow, Massachusetts is having an election to fill the vacancy left by Ted Kennedy. For the last couple of weeks, the phone has been ringing off the hook, both candidates (and their supporters/detractors) calling numerous times every day to influence my vote.

It is currently 1:45 in the afternoon, and already today, I've had nearly twenty such calls. Recorded messages from Republican candidate, his daughter, his supporters. Recorded calls from the Democratic candidate, her supporters. Various pollsters. Thank goodness the election is tomorrow and this folderol will cease.

Wouldn't it be nice if the "Do Not Call" List also applied to politicians, charities, and EVERYONE else that you really don't want calls from?

Okay, I'll get off the soapbox. Until the next election, anyway.

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