Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy SOLAR New Year

I am watching the sun rise -- or at least the light grow stronger through the thick cloud cover -- on the first morning of the solar new year.  Although the calendar won't change for another 9 days, the new year begins today. 

Each day, there will be a little bit more daylight and a little less darkness.  Here, in the north of the Northern Hemisphere, the cold and dreary weather will continue for a while, yes, but the promise of spring begins today.  

I greet this new year with hope.  Hope that zealots of all types will be able to find moderation in their behavior; that kindness will become more than just another word; that consideration becomes something that more of us bring into our lives - consideration for each other, consideration for all the creatures on this earth, consideration for the earth itself.  Hope is the one thing that is left in Pandora's box.  Let us all take advantage of that, and never lose it within ourselves.  Hope that each day will bring something better, something more cherished, into being.

My wish for each of you is that the coming year will be one of Peace, Health, Happiness, Freedom, and Hope.  That despair, hatred, injustice, and intolerance are banished in your lives

Cherish each day. And find joy in life.  Live.  Or, to quote Mr. Spock, "Live Long and Prosper."

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